The Commissariot Record of Glasgow/Register of Testaments. 1547 - 1800. Volume 8. The Commissariot Record of St. Andrews/Register of Testaments. The commissariot record of Glasgow: Register of testaments, 1547-1800 Parts 9-13. Old Series Volume 7. Scottish Record Society Record of Marriages for the parish of Edinburgh, 1595-1700 pt. 33, Mu-Sc The Commissariot record of Glasgow Register of Testaments 1547-1800 1773, to 25th May 1774, being the first published. Reprinted in exact facsimile [Scotland] The Commissariot Record of Glasgow. Register of Testaments, 1547-1800. Francis J. Grant. Download. Read. Paperback. Premium. Clothbound The commissariot record of Glasgow. Register of testaments, 1547-1800:Glasgow (Commissariot):Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming:Internet Archive. This banner text can have markup. 7, Commissariot Record of Glasgow: Register of Testaments 1547-1800, Francis J. Or Abbey of Holyrood House, 1706-1900, reprinted from Scottish Antiquary
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